Product Update Simple Assets
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Product Update Simple Assets

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Article summary

To update an asset, mention the following in the postman and then click Send.


Query Parameters

Expand to see the parameters and description

Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
Recommended (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid companyId is provided, vocabularyId is not Required
companyIdRequired (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid vocabularyId is provided, companyId is not Required
skipCountOptionalInteger>=0; (skipCount+takeCount)<10,000
Used in combination with takeCount to paginate large numbers of product records. Quantity of records to skip before you start taking products. Whatever value is used for the takeCount, add to skipCount for the subsequent call
Integer>= 0; Max: 500
Sets quantity of results to return at one time. Used for parsing large numbers of product records
OptionalBooleantrue/falseBased on target party id as contained in Post body, will return effective values only includes all values. Defaults to true. Ex. Using a recipient ID with useLens as true will return the product data applicable to that recipient
flattenLensedProductOptionalBooleantrue/falseAllows for flattening search results. Using this parameter you'll get only the recipient overrides.
OptionalenumISO 639-1 standard
Stores the value passed in a language specific variant. Facilitates different values in different langugages on the same attribute. Defaults to en-US.
Will determine if attributes not included in your company vocabulary will be returned in search results. Defaults to setting in customer vocabulary, else defaults to false. If set to true, attributes not in vocabulary will return with its GUID.


Authorization: Specify required Auth Token in the header.


Tip: When importing an asset shared across multiple products, include the SourceUrl value to prevent duplication.

    "ProductImportData": {
        "ProductsToImport": [
                "ImportMode": "CreateOrUpdate",
                "ProductIdentifierValue": "00053883224346",
                "PackageType": "BaseUnit",
                "Values": [
                        "Name": "Short Description",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "": "19 Gallon Storage Container"
                "AssetValues": [
                        "Name": "Front - Center - Elevated",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": {
                                "Name": "ac_sy300.jpg",
                                "Url": "",
                                // If sourceUrl is null, then it won't try to find existing asset already imported.
                                "SourceUrl": "",
                                "Format": "jpeg"
//                        "Recipient": "d2257835-5514-4032-841c-cc95245955f5",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
        "ProductIdentifierProperty": "GTIN"
    "ErrorMode": "Fail"

Response 200 OK

    "VerboseResponse": false,
    "OverallResult": "Success",
    "Errors": [],
    "ResultsByActionType": {
        "ProductImportData": [
                "Result": "Success",
                "IdentifierValue": "00053883224346",
                "MatchedId": "6a96a21c-0aa0-492f-bb95-c648bbd2108c",
                "Errors": []

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