2. Supplier Experience
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2. Supplier Experience

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Article summary

2.1 What tasks do I need to achieve when implementing the API

There are two main approaches when implementing the Content Experience Suite API for product content syndication. The tasks that need to happen are the same for the two different approaches.

Supplier Product Lifecycle

In the blended model, or 80/20 model, the priority is on speed of implementation to seed product data into Content Experience Suite. Then users enrich the data within the Syndigo Platform user interface. This method is the fastest to implement and provides flexibility to respond quickly to unavoidable recipient updates in the ever-changing world of data syndication.

The second approach seeks to maximize automation. This method is longer to implement and requires more tasks when recipients update their requirements. In this method, you will use the API to import and update product data, link to recipients, set category, answer category level questions, initiate publish. Post publish, you will use the API to retrieve recipient feedback, make adjustments, and republish.

For both methods, the supplier must make a plan to respond to both data quality validations and recipient feedback as well as how to manage updates required from recipient updates.

This can also be viewed as a phased approach. A supplier could begin their API implementation with Phase 1 being the Blended Model, seeding product data in Content Experience Suite and a user taking the further actions, and Phase 2 moving to maximize automation by adding more tasks handled by the API.

2.1.1 Blended Model

Focus on speed to implement with blend of automation and user engagement in the UI

Pre-publish Tasks
Tasks to achieve by API:

  1. Import new product data
    a. Attributes
    b. Assets
  2. Update product data
    a. Attributes
    b. Assets

Tasks for users:
3. Link to recipient*
4. Set category*
5. Answer category specific questions
6. Validate data – review and respond to Data Quality Assessment

Post-publish Tasks
7. Review recipient Feedback
8. Respond to recipient feedback
8. Re-publish
10. Monitor for recipient updates

*These tasks could also be automated as desired.

Maxmize Automation Model

Longer to implement. Reduced user engagement in the UI, greater automation. Note that users will still need to access the UI but the actions they take in the UI will be different.

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