4. Implementing a Product Search Request
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4. Implementing a Product Search Request

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Article summary

The Syndigo API allows you to search products in the Syndigo Marketplace (if you are licensed for Marketplace access) as well as your Product Index. Using the Syndigo API, you can pull full product records to your internal systems for populating your company's website or gathering data for internal purposes.
You can search products using different fields such as dates, IDs, and attributes. The Platform offers a variety of Search templates for various circumstances, allowing you to carry out the necessary Search operations.

In order to implement product search requests, you will need to follow the below steps.

1. Get API credentials

Before making the API requests, you MUST obtain the API credentials (Username, Secret). The credentials will allow you to generate an authentication token that is mandatory for authorizing the requests.
The API credentials are located within My Account > API Settings. See screenshots below.


After selecting API Settings, you should see the API credentials:


You must have admin permissions to see the API credentials! Make sure one of your sub-accounts is privileged to see them. If you still can't see them, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive.


The API credentials are different for each account and environment! Make sure to use the correct credentials for the account you are using, in the environment where it is deployed (UAT or Production)!

Once you have the API credentials, you can get the auth token. that you will need for the subsequent API calls.

2. Setup Postman

We have a postman collection of API calls that will help you make requests. Please make sure to configure your postman environment so it is easier for you to make API calls.

3. Verify and add recipients

Verify all applicable recipients are present in your account, and add any that are missing via the "ADD NEW RECIPIENT" button on the Recipients page. This process will help gather the required attributes for creating the vocabulary that we will explain in the next step.

4. Create a Vocabulary

The Vocabulary is a mapping that aliases Syndigo attribute ID's to user defined attribute names; making it easier to create and process API payloads. It is accessed through the Vocabularies page. You must create a vocabulary as shown here in order to generate a vocabulary ID, which is required for most API calls.


The vocabulary ID will be different for each of the environments.
If you're working with PROD and UAT, you will need to manage updating the vocabularies in both environments.

If you wish to add or modify the attributes in the vocabulary, you can do that by going to Configurations > Company Settings > Vocabularies in the Platform.

Edit a vocabulary

It is also possible to get the entire vocabulary via API by using a GET call, and update the vocabulary using a PUT call. This method should ONLY be used for more complicated operations such as aliasing recipients or adding workflow steps (applies to recipient implementations only). The best practice is to use the Vocabularies page in the platform for creating and modifying a vocabulary.
After creating the vocabulary, you are ready to make the product search requests.

5. Make a product search request.

After the vocabulary is created, you can start making the product search requests.
The most common search uses GTIN as the attribute identifier. You can
check other examples of product search calls. using other attributes or other methods (e.g. last modified date).

  • Use the parameter shouldIncludeMissingVocabularyAttributes=true to see attributes that are not mapped in the customer vocab file - they will appear as GUIDs.
  • To see Recipient Overrides returned in product search, set shouldIncludeMissingVocabularyAttributes=true and useLens=false.
  • Due to limitations of the elastic search, a single API call can only return up to 10,000 items. Search results that yield counts >10,000 items should be filtered as to not exceed this threshold. Use dates (e.g. Last Modified Date) or additional attributes (e.g. "Brand",) to further refine the search.

To search the products in the Product Index (PI) by GTIN, mention the following in the postman and then click Send.


If you intend to search for marketplace products, you will need to use a slightly different endpoint.



Access to the Marketplace varies by customer licensing. If you are a 3rd party accessing Marketplace items on behalf of a customer, you may have different access to products than the account holder.

The request body and query parameters are the same for both types of product search (product search and marketplace product search) calls. See marketplace product search calls.

Query Parameters

Expand to see the parameters and description

Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
Recommended (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid companyId is provided, vocabularyId is not Required
companyIdRequired (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid vocabularyId is provided, companyId is not Required
skipCountOptionalInteger>=0; (skipCount+takeCount)<10,000
Used in combination with takeCount to paginate large numbers of product records. Quantity of records to skip before you start taking products. Whatever value is used for the takeCount, add to skipCount for the subsequent call
Integer>= 0; Max: 500
Sets quantity of results to return at one time. Used for parsing large numbers of product records
OptionalBooleantrue/falseBased on target party id as contained in Post body, will return effective values only includes all values. Defaults to true. Ex. Using a recipient ID with useLens as true will return the product data applicable to that recipient
flattenLensedProductOptionalBooleantrue/falseAllows for flattening search results. Using this parameter you'll get only the recipient overrides.
OptionalenumISO 639-1 standard
Stores the value passed in a language specific variant. Facilitates different values in different langugages on the same attribute. Defaults to en-US.
Will determine if attributes not included in your company vocabulary will be returned in search results. Defaults to setting in customer vocabulary, else defaults to false. If set to true, attributes not in vocabulary will return with its GUID.

You can change the param values of skipCount, takeCount,vocabularyId, vocabularyId, useLens, and locale according to your requirements.


Authorization: Specify required Auth Token in the header.

Request Parameters

Expand to see the parameters and description

Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
OptionalStringRecipient identifier: GUID or as aliased in customer vocab
Sets the lens through which the product data is returned from search
Attribute GUID (Ex. Product Name, Date Created, etc.).
Sets return results order
Determines sort order (ascending or descending).
Array of Strings
Recipients identifiers: GUIDs or as aliased in a customer vocab
Limits the search to products explicitly linked to specific recipients.
Boolean Operator
AND/ORDefaults to AND
Determines if the search returns OnHold products or not.
Determines if the search returns Archived products or not.
EnumISO 639-1 standard
Defaults to en-US. Sets the Language to be used for search
OptionalArray of StringsProduct GUIDsList of Products to be searched
OptionalArray of Strings
Attribute GUIDsList of identifier types to be searched
Array of Strings
Identifier stringsRequired if you are using “Identifier Attributes”. Contains the list of identifiers to find.
OptionalArray of Strings
Attribute GUIDs
Returns products that has (does not have) desired attribute.
Array of Strings
Attribute GUIDs
Searches the value of attribute defined.
Part of AttributeFilters

Contains - has search val within the attribute value searched

Prefix,  - starts with this search value

Suffix,  - ends with this search value

Fuzzy,   - Similar match (fuzzy, a char might be missing in search value for example)

Search   - exact match for search value

Part of AttributeFilters
Array of Strings
See example, includes:
Name, Operator, Value, IncludeMissing
Array (see example). Searched date field and defined.
RequiredEnumCreatedDate, RecordDate   LastModifiedDate, DiscontinueDate, ObsolescenceDate, LastPublishedDate
Part of DateFilter
OperatorRequiredEnumLessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo
Part of DateFilter
ValueRequiredStringCommonly acceptable string representation of a date/timePart of DateFilter
IncludeMissingRequiredBooleantrue/falsePart of DateFilter
OptionalArray of Strings
Workflow, Statuses []Contains an array including “Workflow” name and “Statuses” as defined for the customer workflow.
Workflow RequiredStringWorkflow names as aliased in Customer VocabPart of WorkflowFilters
RequiredArray of StringsStatuses names as aliased in Customer Vocab
Part of WorkflowFilters
EnumUndefined, BaseUnit, Case, Pallet, Display, Pack, Load, SetPack, MixedModule, MultiPack, PrePack, PrePack_Assortment
Used primarily for GDSN package hierarchy
StringProduct GUIDs
List of products to be excluded


    "TargetPartyAlias": "",     //if you want to get recipient's overrides, put the recipient's alias or GUID here.
    "OrderBy": "",
    "Desc": false,
    "AttributeFilterOperator": "And",
    "OnHold": false,
    "Archived": false,
    "Language": "en-US",
    "DataOwner": "{{companyId}}",   //your companyID.
    "IdentifierAttributes": [
        "GTIN"          //It can be GTIN or any other Attribute mapped in the vocabulary.
    "Identifiers": [
        "78787878787878"        //It's a sample GTIN.

Response 200 OK

Keep in mind that the response payload is reusable - you can use it for updating products from the Product Index by changing values and using it in the request body of the product import call.

    "ErrorMode": "Fail",
    "DefaultLocale": "en-US",
    "ProducingOperationDetails": {
        "TotalHitCount": 1,
        "ResultCount": 1
    "ProductImportData": {
        "ProductsToImport": [
                "ImportMode": "Update",
                "ProductIdentifierPropertyOverride": "",
                "ProductReferencePropertyOverride": "",
                "ProductIdentifierValue": "d283e104-897c-42f9-989b-d65c7026c92e",
                "SourceParties": [],
                "TaxonomyNodes": [],
                "CatalogItems": [],
                "PackageType": "BaseUnit",
                "ImmediateParentDetails": {},
                "RecipientsToLink": [
                    "Amazon US"
                "RecipientsRequirementSets": {
                    "Amazon US": [
                        "Amazon Listing 2.0"
                "ComplexValues": [],
                "LifeCycle": {
                    "CreatedDate": {
                        "Value": "2023-04-24T21:15:22.7817613Z",
                        "Delete": false
                "AuditInfo": {
                    "CreatedDate": "2023-04-24T21:15:22.7817687Z",
                    "LastModifiedDate": "2024-02-23T14:39:54.6546188Z"
                "Archived": false,
                "Values": [
                        "Name": "Product Name",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "Adding Images"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "GTIN",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "78787878787878"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Short Description",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "Short Description from API"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Packaging Level",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Main Product Image",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "d15b778e-55a4-42d5-b20d-8bedc141fbc9"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "nutrientFormatTypeCodeReference",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "US_FDA_NFP_2020_STANDARD_SIDE_BY_SIDE"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "ingredientStatement",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "TEST"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "isNutrientRelevantDataProvided",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "Y"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "organicProductPlaceOfFarmingCode",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "EU_OR_NON_EU_AGRICULTURE"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "dietTypeDescription",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "TEST"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "preparationInstructions",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "TEST"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "preparationType",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "BAKE"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "numberOfServingsPerPackage",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "1"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "numberOfServingsPerPackageMeasurementPrecisionCode",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "APPROXIMATELY"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "nutrientDetailNutrientValueDerivationCode",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "ANALYTICAL"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "MultiValues": [
                        "Name": "servingSuggestion",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": [
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "nutritionalClaim",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": [
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "growingMethodCode",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": [
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "nutritionLabelTypeCode",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": [
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "ContainerValues": [
                        "ParentAttribute": "Allergen Related Information",
                        "RowList": [
                                "Values": [],
                                "MultiValues": [],
                                "ContainerValues": [],
                                "AssetValues": [],
                                "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "ParentAttribute": "Sub Ingredients",
                        "RowList": [
                                "Values": [],
                                "MultiValues": [],
                                "ContainerValues": [],
                                "AssetValues": [],
                                "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "ParentAttribute": "Diet Type Information",
                        "RowList": [
                                "Values": [],
                                "MultiValues": [],
                                "ContainerValues": [],
                                "AssetValues": [],
                                "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "949e31b4-db30-4afb-9bf6-c9494d098a17",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "AssetValues": [
                        "Name": "Main Product Image",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": {
                                "Name": "Banana.jpg",
                                "Url": "https://assets.uat.syndigo.com/d15b778e-55a4-42d5-b20d-8bedc141fbc9?originalFileName=true",
                                "SourceUrl": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1587132137056-bfbf0166836e",
                                "Format": "jpeg"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "IsExplicitNullValue": false
        "ProductIdentifierProperty": "",
        "ProductReferenceProperty": "",
        "Archived": false

Be sure to check our FAQ section if you have any questions!

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