Asset Get Details
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Asset Get Details

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Article summary

The Syndigo API allows you to get information about the specified asset. That way you can check its format, size, resolution etc.

To get asset's details, mention the following endpoint and hit Send.


Query Parameters

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Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
skipOptionalInteger>=0; (skipCount+takeCount)<10,000
Used in combination with taketo paginate large numbers of product records. Quantity of records to skip before you start taking products. Whatever value is used for the take, add to skip for the subsequent call.
takeOptionalInteger>= 0; Max: 500
Sets quantity of results to return at one time. Used for parsing large numbers of product records.

Specify the required values for params dataOwner and fileName.


Authorization: Specify required Auth Token in the header.

Request Parameters

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Response 200 OK

    "id": "79af2856-c7bc-4736-86d3-6fa8d087a028",
    "BinaryId": "605c282e-279f-4949-a7cf-17a2f4d96d3c",
    "Hash": "f5424c454ed0962af9a2a76a28cf25df82e736a3e73602cc12fea2a49cd294a3",
    "Description": "AssetFileName",
    "Height": 641,
    "Width": 640,
    "Format": "png",
    "FileSize": 699616,
    "HasClippingPath": false

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