iFrame: Using the Window.postMessage() Framework
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iFrame: Using the Window.postMessage() Framework

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Article summary

Window.postMessage() Framework:

When embedding content in a Syndigo inline-frame widget, there are 2 messages you can send to the parent frame:

  • Adjusting Content Height
  • Visiting a URL in Parent Frame

Adjusting Content Height

A quick example showing how you might send content height values to the parent frame whenever the content size changes:

const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
    const body   = document.body;
    const html   = document.documentElement;
    const height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight,
                            html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
        messageType: 'heightUpdateRequest',
    }), '*');

const mainElm = document.querySelector('main');

assuming your content leverages a standard body HTML element where the content of your page is present, you can copy / paste the above code into the head or top of the body and it will function as expected. If your content does not leverage a standard body HTML element where content is present then you will need to alter the provided example code to support your page.

Visiting a URL in Parent Frame

These only work if your links point at pages on the same site. (can't navigate to a different site)

    messageType: 'visitLink',
    href: 'CONTENT_URL_HERE'
}), '*');

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