Obtaining API Keys and Authenticating API

Any client that requires API authentication must obtain a APP ID, APP KEY, and enable API authentication in the configuration. This is a one time procedure and the responsibility of the implementation team to provide required details to the client or partners.

Signup for Nutritionix API

Before you begin using the Nutritionix API, you must signup for an API key.

If you are signing up for the first time, then:

  1. Open the URL in the browser.
    Result: The Nutritionix Home page is displayed.


  1. Click the signup for your API key link.


Result: The Signup page is displayed.

  1. Enter User Information and Contact Details.



Before signing up, click the show link to read the legal terms and conditions.

  1. Click Sign up.

  2. Select I'm not a robot (reCAPTCHA) for signing up.

If you have already signed up and logged in, then:

  1. Open the URL in the browser.
    Result: The Nutritionix Home page is displayed.

  2. Click the View your API key now link.


Result: The Welcome page is displayed.

  1. Enter Username or Email.
  2. Enter the Password.


  1. Click Sign in.