Product Update Instance Data
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Product Update Instance Data

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Article summary

To update product's instance data, mention the following in the postman and then click Send.


Query Params

Specify the required value for params VocabularyId and CompanyId.


Authorization: Specify required Auth Token in the header.


    "ProductInstanceImportData": { //Denotes we are sending ProductInstance type data in this object  
        "ProductInstancesToImport": [ //Contains the array of ProductInstances we are sending to CXH  
                "ImportMode": "Create", //Just like Products, has "Create","Update", and "CreateOrUpdate"  
                "ProductInstanceIdentifierValue": {
                    //It's likely Product Instances will need to leverage a Multi- 
                    //Party key to check for existing instances  
                    "Type": "OwnedData",
                    "Reference": {
                        "ProductInstance": [
                                "Alias": "SERIAL_NUMBER",
                                "Value": "CSN1"
                        "Product": [
                                "Alias": "GTIN",
                                "Value": "195278033105"
                "ProductMatchData": { //Product Instances MUST reference a Product, this is the mechanism to create that ref erence  
                    "Type": "OwnedData",
                    "Reference": {
                        "Product": [
                                "Alias": "GTIN",
                                "Value": "195278033105"
                "Values": [ //Product Instances are Product-like and store attribute data much in the same way.  
                        "Name": "UDI",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "": "CSN1195278033105"
                "MultiValues": [
                        "Name": "ProductInstancesReferences", //Product Instances may reference other product instances; t his an example of how that would typically look                         "ValuesByLocale": {  
                        "": [
                                "Type": "OwnedData",
                                "Reference": {
                                    "ProductInstance": [
                                            "Alias": "SERIAL_NUMBER",
                                            "Value": "CSN1"
                                    "Product": [
                                            "Alias": "GTIN",
                                            "Value": "195278033105"
    "ProductReferenceProperty": "GTIN", //The reference property that will be used for Product references when no override present.  
    "ProductInstanceIdentifierProperty": "SERIAL_NUMBER", //The property that will be used for the identifier if not using Multi-Part key and no override present.  
    "ProductInstanceReferenceProperty": "SERIAL_NUMBER" //The reference property that will be used for Prod uct Instance references when no override present.  
"ErrorMode": "Fail" //Options are "Fail" and "Ignore"  

Response 200 OK

Need to be added.

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